Fire Drones
A feasible, timely, scalable system to mitigate wildfires.
A trillion trees sequester CO
2 with a Fire Drone Umbrella.

Stop a wildfire while it's still small.
Save forests, lives, homes, wildlife and the planet too.
An idea whose time has come.

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A forest fire is born.
Image by Ylvers from Pixabay  
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Imagine: A wildfire has just begun in Cascade Forest.


A NASA satellite pinpoints the location, while alerting Fire Drone Base Delta 9, situated on the US/Canadian border, the closest base to the fire. NASA

The fire's position is precisely calibrated to within 100 meters. Satellites deliver crystal-clear realtime imagery.

Team staff review the incoming data, cross-check with other sources, and confirm that a fire has broken out within their jurisdiction.


Computer models suggest 375 Fire Drones will do the job.

Fired detected.
Fire Detected

All-Weather, Day or Night, water-filled MegaScale Fire Drones power up and launch into the sky within minutes of the alert.

Although the fire is located 60 miles from the base in a remote and roadless area, travelling at 180 MPH they will arrive on the scene in only 20 minutes -- ready to battle the fire. 

In order to alert all low-flying traffic nearby, the Fire Drone fleet will be flying in neat formations, flashing red and green safety lights, and continuously broadcasting their location.


Base personnel continuously monitor the flight.

FireDrone Base Station Control Center
Cascade Forest Fire Drone Base Delta 9

Cutting-edge flight technology will be monitored by experienced and dedicated professionals.

High-resolution cameras and a variety of sensors aboard the Fire Drone Fleet will report conditions from any angle as they draw closer. 

Course and altitude corrections are constantly refined during their flight. MegaScale Fire Drones can fly through or hover in hot dense smoke. Their guidance and attack parameters will always be coordinated and updated for maximum benefit.


This fire would have spread wildly out of control..

The fire has broken out.
"From a Spark to Raging Fury." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist

...were it not for the timely arrival of the Fire Drone Fleet!

The fleet arrives.
"Forests Can Breathe Again." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist


MegaScale Fire Drones form a feasible, timely,
and scalable system to mitigate wildfires anywhere on Earth.

Here are the key concepts:


A forest fire is born.


Fired detected.

FireDrone Base Station Control Center

The fire has broken out.

The fleet arrives.

Firedrones attack the wildfire.

99.99 percent of the fire never happened.

Why do we need a new technology to control wildfires?

Our climate is warming each year, and to a greater degree than scientists predicted. BLOOMBERG Globally, the wildfire season is longer than ever. Both the sheer intensity of wildfires and their expanding geographical range grow larger each year—with no end in sight. Next year will be hotter, and the year after that, hotter still.

The cost of the current firefighting system has grown precipitously, at the same time as its ability to control wildfires has diminished. US NEWS
The cost is stunning — in terms of personnel, equipment, and aircraft, the destruction of forests and their flora and fauna, the ravaged homes our fellow citizens must flee at a moment's notice, and the despair, helplessness and fear of what a warming future has in store for us.

What are MegaScale Fire Drones? How feasible are they? Can they partner with current techniques for the benefit of both?

MegaScale Fire Drones form a powerful state-of-the-art airborne water delivery system. Their purpose is to arrive on scene faster than the existing fire fighting system, at speeds of up to 180 MPH, and they are designed to deliver a hard rain that won't stop until the fire is put out.

Depending on conditions, a percentage of the Fire Drone fleet will pack and drop fire retardants—which are designed to stop chemical reactions in a fire—in order to provide an even higher level of fire suppression.

MegaScale Fire Drones will outstrip current forest fire fighting methods with speed and unending water capacity. They will perform their crucial task over any terrain, in any weather or air temperature, day or night, in any season, and at any distance from the Fire Drone base station.

For the larger blazes and firestorms—now to be handled exclusively by MegaScale Fire Drones—no humans will be put at risk, and no ground-based attack is required. For the smaller as well as the more ground-accessible blazes, traditional fire-fighting methods will continue their indispensable work.

As they will be tasked with smaller but more numerous fires, their ability to achieve high-value results will also allow Fire Drone fleets to focus their decisive power on the largest wildfires and firestorms.

A serious investigation by private enterprise and government agencies could determine the feasibility of this plan. The U.S. military and NASA could be part of the equation. They operate sophisticated drones, and their expertise in all facets of design and operation could be crucial.

Why are Fire Drones effective and scalable in the long run?

All MegaScale Fire Drones will be exactly alike. This will allow for worldwide production centered on one basic platform. Efficiencies of a global mass production scale—and the utilization of universal code updates and physical platform enhancements—will ensure robust Fire Drone production. They are not temporary, nor a stop-gap. Their design is based on their very large size compared to any other drone in the sky today, or on the drawing boards for tomorrow.

This design will allow coordinated fleets of MegaScale Fire Drones to continuously—and without interruption due to distance—transport thousands of tons of water resources to the blaze in a continuous cycle.

They will evolve in sophistication at the job they are tasked to do. They are a solution to both wildfires and the greenhouse gases (GHGs) they emit. MegaScale Fire Drones will reliably put an end to wildfires.

What drives the urgency for a global Fire Drone system?

A MegaScale Fire Drone System is realizable in that it will draw upon current technologies for its initial prototypes and first run units for the field. They will incorporate the apex of our collective technical knowledge.

A Fire Drone is simply a pilotless flying device designed to deliver an unlimited rain-like water drop wherever it might be needed. Hundreds of MegaScale Fire Drones launch within minutes of any confirmed wildfire, and arrive on scene fast, with a maximum arrival time of 20 minutes—up to a 60 mile radius from the Fire Drone Base Station.

Urgency is driven by the failure of current systems to quell the new larger and more pervasive Firestorms, and the alarming predictions of a rapidly and dangerously warming atmosphere caused by those fires.  SCIENCE NEWS

As nations accept the value of this system—juxtaposed against the existential threat at our doorstep—they can invest in it, and support the financial, scientific and moral context for its rapid deployment.

What can I do to support this initiative?

• Getting this off the tarmac will require a groundswell of public interest and support. You can share this presentation with the people in your circle. You can make this a conversation piece at gatherings.

• You can spread the word on your favored social media platform and invite people everywhere to learn about the power of these new and exciting technological breakthroughs that can save our collective future.

• Educators: You can discuss this work in your classroom.

• You can email or text or call your elected representatives and ask them to launch preliminary studies, as well as commit to working prototypes.


Fire Drones have one major goal: to extinguish a fire fast.

The fleet arrives.

What causes wildfires?

Most wildfires are caused by the carelessness of humans. Campfires and still-burning cigarettes tossed into a dry patch of brush have ignited blazes that have scorched thousands of acres. NATIONAL PARK SERVICE

Lightning strikes, volcanic eruptions, spontaneous combustion, rocks striking each other as they roll down a hill, arson and old electrical transmission line fires are all frequent catalysts of wildfire ignition. The deadly and massive CampFire Blaze of Nov., 2018 in California started due to a transmission line bursting into flames.

Out-of-control and massively destructive wildfires will become a distant memory.

Hiker in a fireproof woods.

This 8-page presentation is a mix of bold imagination and factual science.

We are intentionally speaking here about MegaScale Fire Drones as if they already existed, as if we know exactly what they will look like, knowing how far they can fly.

No MegaScale Fire Drones have yet been built. What is being presented is a clear and exhilarating vision of what might be possible.

Yet, consider that all the technology to design, build and field a robust and powerful global Fire Drone system exists today.

This presentation lays out the problems, and also recommends solutions to the issues.

Proposing a daring new technology creates openings and possibilites that may never have been considered before. It gives us a place to stand that did not exist yesterday. It creates a space of inspiration as well as permission for others to boldly dream outside the lines.

There are other new and exciting technologies proposed on this site, including a fresh plan to reverse Global Warming by asking our cars and trucks to capture gigatons of Carbon Dioxide directly from the atmosphere as they ply the world's roads and highways.

There's also a call for a new TV/Radio/Online broadcast channel. You can see it at the
The Climate Achievement Network.

Our forests will save us all.
 Image by Luca Bravo on Unsplash

Carbon Dioxide or CO2 / and... Methane

Quelling wildfires and the new breed of Firestorms is vital, but for a different reason than you might think. The destruction caused by those fires is awful...

...but it is the sheer magnitude of the Carbon Dioxide release that is actually much more dangerous to our survival as a civilization.

That CO2 release warms our atmosphere every day... which melts the Permafrost at the top of the world... which causes Methane to form... which Methane then launches into the atmosphere with an atmospheric heating power that is 80 times that of Carbon Dioxide.

Read why preventing or quick termination of of all wildfires is the most important Climate Emergency goal: Are our forests far away?

MegaScale Fire Drones are equipped to carry much greater amounts of water to the blaze than any other ground or airborne method. Water volume and continuity are the crucial keys to fire suppression success.

MegaScale Fire Drones—wave after wave—will saturate the burning forest below. No area in the fire zone will be missed. Every area in the fire zone will sustain repeated and decisive treatment.

Each MegaScale Fire Drone will evenly and precisely deliver its payload of 3,000 pounds (1361 kilograms, 360 US gallons, 300 Imperial, 1.5 tons) of water, and will do it not as a single water dump, but as a cool, continuous, and widely distributed and saturating rain.

This cascade of water from a never-ending skyborne flotilla will ensure no mercy for the fire and its savage threat, no matter the ground area the fire has encompassed.

Two game-changing principles give MegaScale Fire Drones their formidable power:

They will attack and subdue most
fires in their infancy; they will also swiftly address any wildfire which has grown quickly and explosively.

They will a form a continuous train of water delivery that never stops.

Continuous cycle symbol. Hundreds approach and arrive at the fire, and then circle back to base. Hundreds more are continuously launched—insuring a never ending hard rain.

The MegaScale Fire Drone sky-train will stop when sensors and base personnel deem the job done, the fire put out, and the threat neutralized.

The season, time of day, terrain, wind speed, altitude, distance, ground accessibility, weather, or air temperature will never be an impediment to completing their vital mission.

MegaScale Fire Drones quash small but potentially dangerous fires, and also attack FireStorms which break out explosively due to heat, wind and a forest of dry fuel.

Topography Balance

What if more 'FirePower' is needed?

If the initial assessment of 375 MegaScale Fire Drones proves insufficient, more units will be called into service from the originating base—and the next closest inactive bases if necessary.

The number of MegaScale Fire Drones allocated to any mission will also depend upon the distance to the fire. The greater the distance, the greater number of Fire Drones that will be required.

The further the fleet travels to reach a wildfire will also provide more time for it to rapidly spread.

Satellites reliably send the alarm for a new fire before it spreads. Other technologies support satellite awareness by utilizing specialized drones (UAVs - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) which offer support in the spotting and alarm stage. The two modalities offer a superior working methodology. SPECTRUM

Take a peek at a similar technology now undergoing real-world tests. It tackles moving safely through dense woods, mapping an area for obstacle avoidance, and real-time notification to the swarm so they avoid running in to each other.

Here's a company currently developing The Wildhopper, a working Fire Drone. Each vehicle can deliver 600 liters / 158 lbs. of water. WILDHOPPER

OroraTech is a new start-up whose focus is satellite identification of wildfires on a global scale. ORORATECH

The Rain System from Rain Industries is focused on advancement and real-world implementation of drones for fighting wildfires. Do spend some time reviewing their important work. RAIN

Please ask your elected representatives to inquire seriously into this universal solution which promises to halt wildfires in their tracks.

Producing hundreds of thousands of Megascale Fire Drones—positioned around the world—is likely the only way we can actually prevent the earth's forests from irreversible disaster.


50 miles from Fire Drone Base Delta 9,
MegaScale Fire Drones refill their water tanks on Lake Irene.

FireDrones filling up with water on Lake Irene.
"Fire Drones Sip Clear Water." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist

A special-purpose group of 10 SafeDrones...

Drones stay on station for two hours after the fire is out.
 Image by Ylvers from Pixabay

...will remain behind to scour every patch of smoldering ground below, while the rest of the Fire Drone armada returns to base.

Our commitment is to make sure the sensors detect no hotspots above 120ºF / 49ºC.

Small flare-ups that might arise will be extinguished within minutes.

Not until every patch of ground is safe will the SafeDrone squad return to base.


— Fire Fighting Drones —
Consider this miracle of human innovation:

99.99 percent of the fire never happened.
 Image by Johannes Plenio from Pixabay

No one was put at risk in this mission. No ground support was required. The highway to the wildfire was a straight line through the open sky itself and the target was always safely hundreds of feet below. This allowed for a robust margin of safety in which the Fire Drone armada could do its crucial work.

A refined and innovative technological breakthrough prevented a fire that might have engulfed 150,000 acres.*

A quick and massive response prevented 13,000 homes from devastation and ruin.*

Consider how vastly different this vision is when compared to the current horrific reality of ever larger and increasingly less controllable wildfires and Firestorms. Consider the importance of your support for this planet-saving possibility.

* These two paragraphs refer to the California CampFire blaze of Nov., 2018 and exemplifies the degree to which wildfires are becoming ever larger and more destructive.

Fire Drones return from squashing a wildfire.
"A Noble Purpose Achieved." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist

Welcome home! The Fire Drone expedition is returning to base.
The group has effectively put out the wildfire in an otherwise inaccessible canyon 60 miles away. As the group re-enters the space of base operations, its descent slows to a foot a second. Each MegaScale Fire Drone returns to its hangar for inspection, refueling and any maintenance that might be required.

Fire Drone bases are a 24/7/365 operation.

Base wall enlargement.
Cascade Forest - Fire Drone Base Delta 9

This modern, state-of-the-art Canada / United States Fire Drone base is located right on the border, and serves an 80 mile radius.

Fire Drone base operations around the world utilize the same standardized technology; strategically located engineering facilities on six continents are constantly upgrading the advanced onboard and base control technologies to drive maximal performance.

Schoolchildren are particularly interested in visiting the base, and they are welcomed with Fire Drone balloons, an exciting tour of the facilities, and a healthy lunch.


Fire Drone bases are positioned throughout North America...

FireDrone Stations will be positioned where most needed.
500 Fire Drone Stations positioned throughout North America

...and around the world. They are concentrated in areas of highest danger, and most susceptible to ignition from a warming atmosphere.

Standardization of MegaScale Fire Drones, bases and methods promotes a rapid global deployment of culture, technology and infrastructure.

The number of bases in the United States and Canada might be about 500. Bases will host hundreds of MegaScale Fire Drones, ready to launch at a moment's notice. Bases will be busy, organized, efficient and ready.

Just as several fire-fighting companies in a big city might be called to a blaze, so too will many bases contribute when needed to put out any and all fires near them.

FireDrone enroute to a wildfire.
"Fire Drones Launch a New Era." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist

Impenetrable forest, steep terrain, roadless valleys...

Steep and remote terrain is as easy to handle as flat and accessible terrain.
 Image by Saiho from Pixabay • Fire Drone fleet added to the image.

Remote fires haven't got a chance.

MegaScale Fire Drones will not require human pilots—neither on-board nor remotely stationed.

This will allow for their instantaneous deployment to scale, wherever they are needed, without time-wasting preparation.

Conceive of MegaScale Fire Drones as robust flying tanks—in both senses of that word. Their design and performance will intentionally be an invocation of the most advanced technologies and rugged designs we can muster.

They will be crafted to deliver results without excuses, outstripping any current non-military drone design in terms of flight capability, power, range, longevity, and sheer multitude.

Significant numbers of MegaScale Fire Drones for any fire are purposely intended to be so large that no blaze will be able to avoid succumbing to their power.

...will no longer be a barrier to a precise, and massive attack on the spreading wildfire.

Neither fire breaks nor access roads will be needed to quell any wildfire.

<–––––  9,000 lbs. of water drops from the airborne fleet above this mountaintop wildfire every 30 seconds. The firefighting Fire Drone wave is purposely continuous. It never stops until the last ember is cold.

Lightning-strike fires in mountainous terrain or in remote areas will be easily contained.

Purposely igniting 'back fires' is a method to rob a rapidly moving wildfire of its fuel, and thus slow or stop the spreading conflagration.

Aerial water curtains can support the work of ground-based 'Hot Shot' back fires wherever a back fire may be indicated. High winds can cause wildfires to cover great distances quickly. Picture some of the the Fire Drone fleet breaking away, in order to lay down a back fire a thousand yards in front of the approaching main body of the fire.

MegaScale Fire Drones will be ready to battle wildfires whether in a forest, a peat and tundra environment, or on a distant prairie.

Anywhere a wildfire appears, it will meet its skyborne watery end fast.

AmbaDrone performing a forest fire rescue.
"Rescue Came When Needed Most." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist

AmbaDrones accompany all missions...

AmbaDrone inset image.

A medically equipped flying ambulance
— an AmbaDrone
whisks people trapped
in a raging wildfire to safety.

Emergency room quality first aid is administered in flight if necessary.

...and they are a welcome sight for people trapped in the inferno.

They are lightweight, carry little water, and their engines' requirements also reduce weight, for the same reason.

First responder medical personnel travel in the AmbaDrone along with the fleet—if it is thought there is even the smallest chance any people are in trouble on the scene.

Where human personnel are not indicated, a few AmbaDrones still arrive at all fires. They can navigate through the burning forest, through the smoke and heat, and identify anyone on scene who may be in trouble.

They will then be whisked back to Base—which maintains a fully equipped and professionally staffed emergency unit—or to the closest medical facility without waiting for the fleet to finish their mission.


Neighborhoods adjacent to forests...

Neighborhood burning.

The Fire Drone model is intentionally designed to overwhelm any fire's power.

The Fire Drone model is a true paradigm shift. That is to say, it is a fundamental change in approach or underlying assumptions.

  For every wildfire and inhabited area in danger, airborne water will be deployed as needed to subdue the fire before it spreads. All forest fires will be extinguished within two hours of the first spark.

That relief will arrive anywhere, at any time of day or night, and under any conditions of heat or wind, unhampered by season or terrain.

Prairie Fire

Prairie fires stretch over a broad front and spread at high speeds. MegaScale Fire Drones can match any speed, fly day or night, cover the entire front, and position hundreds of units in front and behind of the advancing flames.

With Fire Drones attacking wildfires by the hundreds, that for which our technology previously had no answer will now be a challenge which can be quelled and defeated.

Bear in mind that many grassland and prairie fires are beneficial and necessary, and are part of a natural cycle. In general, fire is used as an appropriate management tool for a variety of ecologically correct purposes. Fire Drones will support those efforts by guaranteeing that the geographic extent of such fires stays within the stated management parameters.


Total Acres Burned.
 Total Wildfire Acres, US (except Alaska.) Left side header: Acres

The graph above shows the overall trend of expansion in wildfire extent with every passing year. Not shown on the graph are the 2020 firestorms, where significantly greater tracts of forest worldwide went up in flames.

...deserve special protection.

Even the smallest of newly identified wildfires will receive larger armadas of Fire Drones when they are near to homes or other structures of our civilization.

We can't wait until a housing subdivision or town catches fire before dousing adjacent forested areas not yet on fire. Job #1 is to generously and continuously inundate the arboreal periphery of any inhabited zones.

FireDrones protect a neighborhood.

At the same time, homes and residential neighborhoods benefit from critical protection with a preemptive Large Scale Fire Drone shower directly on these otherwise vulnerable structures.

Hundreds of MegaScale Fire Drones mass, hover in place, and remain on duty as any fire may be approching. As they expend their watery payload, fresh MegaScale Fire Drones replace them.

The goal is to neutralize any flying cinder, and counteract any advancing threat.

Governments worldwide need to step up with legislation protecting our forests from the many challenges they face today.

A uniform and consistent worldwide code of protection would include prevention of over-logging, continued reforestation to scale, and investing in and fielding whatever number of MegaScale Fire Drones will be needed in any given forest such that they prevent its decimation and extinction. This would be a guardian system—committed to its global work—just as long as atmospheric Carbon Dioxide levels remained above pre-industrial concentrations.

Oaks in the fall.
 Image by Andrea Stöckel-Kowall from Pixabay

Maples, oaks, birches and other deciduous trees face being displaced.

As anthropogenic (human caused) CO2 increases in the atmosphere, evergreen trees are more adaptable than deciduous trees, and begin to supplant them, reducing their range.

Deciduous trees are those that seasonally shed their leaves in autumn, and sprout new leaves in spring, as opposed to evergreens—such as pines and spruces —which stay green year-round. Deciduous trees decrease wildfire activity compared to evergreens.

With the ever-greater extent and longer season for wildfires, those trees burn. Deciduous trees are already disappearing from drier regions, and 'invading high northern altitudes once covered by coniferous boreal forests.' Quoted content: SEATTLE Pi


Vast tracts of peat and tundra are burning.  
MegaScale Fire Drones can stop
that cold and prevent new outbreaks.

Burning tundra.

The increase in the number and scope of peat and tundra fires and the gargantuan amounts of CO2 (Carbon Dioxide) and Methane they release cry out for a solution: MegaScale Fire Drones could do the job.

Tundra bird and habitat.
An imperiled dweller of the tundra.

"Peat fires are important because they burn Carbon that was sequestered over 1000's of years. Unlike a grass/forest fire, emissions cannot be treated as Carbon neutral.

Once ignited, peat burns for a long time and is difficult to extinguish.

Peat fires are part of a climate system positive feedback loop. Higher Arctic temperatures increase the likelihood of peat ignitions during a fire, as the extra heat dries the (normally moist) peat out.

Warm air from tropical regions heads north and south. When it meets the cool air mediated by the northern tundra and southern Antarctica, it cools and returns to the equator, keeping the planet in balance.

Without this natural system, the earth would become unbearably hotter.

Resultant greenhouse gas emissions will only lead to more heating."  
Dr. Thomas Smith, London School of Economics and Political Science

Tundra is a vital part of the global planetary cooling system. Tundra and peatlands sequester vast amounts of CO2—and that is a positive process we would want to continue.

A breakdown of this biomass may cause global temperatures to rise precipitously.

They are now and will continue to be a valuable CO2 capture resource if we can keep them from burning. We can do that by a global effort to reduce temperatures worldwide, and until we achieve that goal, by a complete mitigation of tundra and peat fires with a Fire Drone umbrella.

Keep up-to-date with regular Climate News from Henry Fountain • NY TIMES

Located at latitudes 55° to 70° North, the tundra is a vast and treeless land which covers about 20% of the Earth's surface, circumnavigating the North pole. BLUE PLANET BIOMES

Like forest fires, peat and tundra fires have always been part of the natural course; study of the tundra reveals that fires have occurred seasonally in cycles, with greater and lesser frequency over the last 6,000 years.

Forests today have at least some resources committed to their protection; the vast tracts of peat and tundra have nothing comparable. Fire Drone bases deployed to scale in those regions could alter that disastrous dynamic.

The consequences of out-of-control tundra fires are a daunting litany very similar to the troubles our forests are now experiencing.

The tundra is now burning.

Tundra covers 20% of the earth's surface. And that tundra and peat is now burning. Photo by Tomáš Malík on Unsplash

CO2 and Methane (CH4) are in play in this scenario. Methane is a greenhouse gas that is 80 times more heat-trapping than CO2.

"The third most abundant compound in peat fire emissions is Methane. CH4 from peat fires are approximately two times higher than those for tropical forest fires, and are almost six times higher than savanna fire."

Hundreds of well-equipped Fire Drone bases can be positioned throughout the Arctic tundra and peat mound regions of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, Russia and Scandinavia.

In addition to those areas, peat fires not in the tundra take place on six continents.

Waves of MegaScale Fire Drones can terminate any new tundra fire as soon as it begins, and can spend much of their non-emergency time slowly but surely extinguishing every other ongoing peat and tundra fire in progress anywhere in the world they might be.

Rather than merely recite the litany of climate horrors in progress or about to crash land on our ordinary daily lives, let's instead act with purpose and alacrity to reverse each and every instance of them. Let's publicize them, and let's implement the dynamic principles of Scale, Spend and Urgency as our contextual roadmap.

It's vital that every caring and thinking person understand these dynamics:  The northern most areas of our globe have begun to melt.  With that melting, planet-killing amounts of CO2 and Methane are now beginning to head skyward.  

We can reverse it...
and it will take all we've got to do so.


Begin to think like a planet-saving warrior….
Public Domain Warrior
 Public Domain Image of a Brave North American Indian Warrior.

   On Monday, June 17th, 2024...
                         ...A massive and dangerous heatwave hit North America.

NPR (National Public Radio) described the beginning of a days-long heat-wave.  They took the time to inform the public of the extreme heat which would linger over the United States and Canada, and the multitude of dangers it might rain down on us.  

Our electric consumption in order to cool our home or office taxed the utilities to their breaking point.  Many people—and especially the elderly—succumbed to the overwhelming and lingering heat, or were rushed to their local hospitals for emergency care and treatment.

It's also true that this particular heatwave came... and then went.  
Hey... we've always had heatwaves.  Honestly--- what's the big deal?  

The big deal is this:  As a global society, we have now crossed a stifling atmospheric threshold.  In many areas of North America, the temperatures reached heights never before witnessed.  

Starting right now, many of our days and months going forward will begin to become unbearingly hot.  That means that more days every year will become unbearingly hotter.  There's nothing being worked on at present to stop this trend.  And, just as bad, there's nothing being worked on in our near future to turn it around.  

The Heat Index is inexorably GOING UP.  

We have NEVER BEFORE witnessed this new, hotter and most catastrophically deadly atmospheric transformation... and it's happening right now before our very eyes!

And the next one, and the one after that, are coming as day follows night, and, on average, each one will be hotter than the previous heatwave.  They will arrive more often, they will occur in all seasons, and they will generally occur everywhere.  And... a useful repetition:  These coming heatwaves will be much hotter with each passing year.

It will only take a mere 5% to 10% world-wide heat increase from this sort of atmospheric scorching for mass die-offs to begin to occur, for great forests world-wide to burn to the ground, for sources of food for us to become unavailable, and for millions upon millions of plants and land animals… and millions upon millions of people all over the world… to perish in a hellish nightmare the likes of which has never been seen before.


It is in fact our forests that can make good use of Carbon Dioxide.   

Defending them against burning and over-logging is as important as
any method for which securing our atmosphere would be paramount.  

Our planet's forests do two amazing things:
          1)  They produce Oxygen and send it all over the planet, and..
2)  They ingest Carbon Dioxide, thus markedly reducing
             atmospheric CO2 everywhere.  

That understanding is important to bear in mind and to support.

Yet consider this:  Without those forests being protected by airborne
fire drones designed to quash forest fires, there will be no hope for humanity.

Protecting our global forests is as important as any consideration when it comes to mitigating Climate Change.  IF we ignore our forests, IF we say there are more pressing climate issues than protection of our forests, we will wake up one morning to find our forests have burned to the ground.  IF our forests all burn, so does our source of Oxygen.

                     AND THAT THE DANGER IS ALL TOO REAL!

With that looming possibility of a rapid and horrific destruction of our global forests, the actual total AMOUNT of Oxygen in our atmosphere will also decline precipitously, and possibly to the point where even our normal daily BREATHING might be affected by the lack of this most important of life-defining necessities. That would apply worldwide to humans and all our planet's animals who depend on breathing every minute of every day.

China can now, today, put out a forest fire almost anywhere in its vast territory due to their powerful fire prevention drone production.  All nations can consider taking up that worthy goal as well.  It's one more positive thing we can do to reverse course sooner rather than later.

This nonsense about sorting it all out by 2050 is just that:
Nonsense.  We simply don’t have 26 years… perhaps we have five or ten years at most in order to completely reverse course.

It is a vile complacency which prevents us from engaging the issue.  
“The scientists and engineers, the good people in government, they’re working on getting this up to snuff.”

Yes, that’s true, and they are:  But they can’t do it without the public rising to the occasion, getting involved, and demanding the output of serious short-term goals.  As well, we need to provide 100% transparency as to where the United States stands as a great nation when coming to grips with atmospheric CO2 and Methane overload.  And with that, where we stand in conjunction with our worthy partners all over the globe regarding serious climate remediation and protection.

IMPORTANT!  This is NOT a left / right issue.  There's a profound and looming disaster that's headed our way.  Everyone has now seen it.  Everyone has now experienced it.  Everyone must now understand how little time we have to reverse course.  Regardless of your politics, check out the average temperature today compared with last year and the years before that.  All other endeavors pale in comparison to the challenge we must confront. 

The heat index is undeniably going up every year... and we will shortly arrive at the threshold of no return... unless we act with everyone on board and on the same side.


That is the near future should we fail to reverse climate warming within, more or less, five to ten years.

Governments must take decisive action NOW to reverse course, and get it done at any cost in either dollars or person-power that may be required.  Mobilization of millions of people to produce and utilize the latest technologies is a must in order to challenge and reverse these issues.  No goal is more important.  Governments need to educate the public as to the dire consequences to our globe should we not announce that CO2 and Methane proliferation is THE most important danger facing our planet... and requires our utmost attention to reverse course. 

And, it must now also take place in the same way that millions were conscripted into the armed forces during WWII… but today different challenges would require different responses.  By the way, the WWII model was then precisely the power which actually saved us from that existential global crisis.  We can also rise to this existential global crisis.  We must rise to the occasion and do today what we must do to save our planet.

Listening to the radio or the TV??  None of the commercials concern the fate of our world, and almost none of the broadcast television shows—including the nightly news!!—have anything to say about the monster of heat heading our way right now, and in the few of our last years ahead… should we choose to NOT act with alacrity.  Government and climate scientists should be telling us the absolute truth as to where we are... and what we must accomplish, in order to maintain life on Planet Earth.

Now, how about adding a daily information modality to our television roster?

Let's incept a prominent channel with a one-hour daily conversation concerning precisely where we stand in the fight against climate disaster.  There's no reason it couldn't be in Prime Time.  There's no reason it needs to be folks with ashen faces fearful for the future. 

It could be informed and friendly moderators who aren't panicking, but instead are thoughtfully laying out today's climate news, as well as showing everyone what's required both locally and globally to prevent disaster. 

There is no shortage of information required to bring our friends everywhere up-to-date.  Such an endeavor could create a meaningful public impetus to get seriously involved, and to support every effort to reverse course.


A 100% HALT in allowing human-produced CO2 to continue to be blasted into the sky is the most important place to start.  Paradoxically, that is the only tool we have to prevent the birth of unremitting and massive Methane proliferation into our atmosphere, which is just now beginning to take place in the incomprehensibly vast Northern Tundra.  

Climate scientists are profoundly shocked by the rate at which this is occurring in the regions of the melting northern polar Permafrost.  Though, you would think it would stay colder near the North Pole, in fact, warming is occurring there FOUR TIMES FASTER than in moderate and temperate planetary zones.

Prevention of atmospheric CO2 heating will also dramatically reduce the rate of Methane
proliferation now launching skyward.

Please share this in your conversations with colleagues, friends and family:
Methane is 80 times more heat-producing
than is Carbon Dioxide / CO2,
and that Methane
is NOW beginning to be launched into our Northern Skies.

If we can reverse atmospheric CO2 proliferation, and make it our world’s most important goal, then we can quash that nascent Methane release.  

If we don’t reverse this dynamic, then be forewarned that there is no other pathway to a return to atmospheric and planetary normalcy.

We don’t act because we can’t see the future.  
We’re lulled into thinking it won’t be so bad.
We assume that there's enough effort being
devised and considered to protect us.

That is the nature of our complacency.  It doesn’t mean we don’t care.  It just means that we know it’s getting hotter, but it’s not the worst thing we’ve ever lived through.  Yet if there’s just one thing to consider, it would be this:  

The worst thing IS our near future as temperatures start going through the roof.  It’s up to you to start marching, writing, and demanding reversal of this pernicious and ever-growing atmospheric heat wave...  which is now ballooning and increasing in size and potency.  The warmer it gets, the warmer it gets.  The hotter it gets, the hotter it gets.

We have a very brief window
in which to reverse course.

Please consider getting on board with everything you’ve got.  Don’t take it for granted that someone else is working on it, and they’ll get it done. Speak up for our children and our planet.

Please take the time to read up on the current literature concerning the dire nature of our near future.  If you want to make a difference today, please consider sharing this message with others.

Please take note of the break-neck speed with which global temperatures are actually rising. The January through December trend in 2023 demonstrates an enormous differential when compared to all the previous years. The trend in 2024 is even higher.

What does that all tell us?  It tells us that the rate of the rate of atmospheric CO2 pollution is going higher and faster with every passing year, and thus our atmosphere is warming much faster than scientists predicted.  Without massive governmental remediation and mandated control concerning these dynamics, our planet will become hotter than we can stand.  

It's time for governments the world over to begin instituting controls on our burning of things, on the CO2 effluence of our vehicles and homes, on that of our offices and factories, and from our thousands of aircraft, etc.  Every possible remedy we might institute to "keep 'em flying" — but with changes to their CO2 output, or the capture thereof — need be considered to save our planet and to save our children.

An out-of-control runaway atmospheric heat presence—which has now actually begun—should be something of vital interest to everyone.  Don't be lulled into complacency.

This is the one that you need to get on board with, educate yourself, teach those in your immediate circle, march, write, hold local and widespread meetings, and care... and really care about where we are headed.  It should both amaze and frighten you to the core that government, media, academia and climate research isn't doing so much more to educate the public.  

We had no problem in WWII getting info on a daily basis from the front.     

But with our global existential crisis, most of your neighbors shrug their shoulders.  That's not their fault... but the organs that can inform, that can advise and that who can teach... they should be working overtime, and you have the right to what they have to say.

Global Warming is all too REAL, and it's happening RIGHT NOW, and it's increasing massively, and unless we intervene to stop it, our future will be as grim as anyone can imagine. The last and best time to act is now.

What's the take away in this chart?

Note that in 2023 the average planetary
temperature rose from 1.2º to just about 1.8º Celsius.

When compared to all the previous records of global temperature
increase since 1940, that temperature rise is staggering and fearsome.

The current year, 2024 will be much worse.  

The purpose of charts like this one is so that we can
visually see what's happening, and that we can
understand that Climate Scorching is not a fluke.  

The purpose is to get us to wake up... and take action now.

Monthly global heat index compared to the pre-industrial focus.


La Niña
• What part will it play in adding to Global Scorching?

THE WASHINGTON POST: — The planet is officially on alert for La Niña, the foil to the El Niño climate pattern, scientists declared Thursday.  It could have a cooling effect on the ongoing stretch of record global heat, and is likely to help trigger a flurry of intense Atlantic hurricanes this fall.  

There’s a 70 percent chance that La Niña develops between August and October, and a nearly 8 in 10 chance that La Niña is in place this winter, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration scientists wrote in a forecast issuing their La Niña watch.  

"This event could punch above its weight because of how warm the western Pacific is...” said Johnson, a researcher at NOAA’s Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory.

There is ongoing research to determine whether climate change may be altering the behavior of La Niña and El Niño.

El Niño, which is known to boost planetary temperatures, helped push the planet to what scientists say were its hottest conditions in more than 100,000 years last July — and closer than ever to a dangerous threshold of warming, 1.5 degrees Celsius above preindustrial temperatures.  

Climate scientists will be watching closely to see whether and to what degree La Niña could counteract that acceleration in global warming.  
     The Washington Post - Scott Dance

Cold water rises to the surface.


Fire Departments can put high-flying
MegaScale Fire Drones to good use.

Skyscraper fire is put out utilizing Fire Drones.
Fire Drones subdue a fire on the 52nd Floor with a stream of precisely targeted water.

"Stop a fire while it's still small."

There are more than 15,000 tall structure fires each year in the US alone. They affect skyscrapers, hotels, apartment buildings, hospitals, dormitories—or any tall buildings.

The vast majority of those fires are handled and subdued by fire resistive construction design, on-site fire protection equipment and the timely arrival of Fire Dept. personnel.

High-rise fires that are not controlled can spread quickly. They are difficult to address if they are out of the reach of conventional ground-based fire fighting methods.

Fire Drones stationed on rooftops throughout the city arrive in minutes of an alarm. They are stable and precise, even in wind and weather.

They blast water in at any altitude, preventing the building from becoming engulfed in flames.


Trains Capture Carbon

"Future Trains Could Provide
Carbon Capture on Wheels"

"Startup CO2Rail’s idea would use existing
trains and tracks to suck carbon out of the atmosphere."

"Removing carbon dioxide directly from the air can be expensive,
and it requires setups with large land and energy footprints.
Now, researchers propose a portable, practical solution
that relies on retrofitted train cars that capture and store
carbon dioxide as they shuttle around on their normal routes."

FireDrones turn the night to day.

"Pure Light From Above." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist

Bright SkyBeams illuminate the burning forest below at night or in day-dark smoke allowing the staff at Fire Drone Base Delta Nine to see what's happening. A composite of the area is imaged by powerful supercomputers. Conditions on the ground are clear and action is appropriate.

Bright and sharp light also aids the escape of any people caught in the fire zone—or supports their rescue by AmbaDrones—with the careful guidance of Base Station staff. FireDrones and AmbaDrones dedicate themselves to people in trouble.

Day or night, lost hikers with the ability to phone an emergency—or who family members say are missing—receive the support of search and rescue AmbaDrones even when no fire is present.

Firedrones attack the wildfire.
 "When There Was None— Rain Appeared." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist

Save the planet with bold imagination.
Planet Saving Ideas
What can we do to save our Spaceship Earth?
Big and bold ideas can enliven our conversation about what's possible.
Learn about many of those dynamic visions here...
and then dream up some of your own!

A commitment landed humans on the moon over 50 years ago.

Neil Armstrong saluting the flag on the moon.
Neil Armstrong on the Moon.

John Kennedy Moon Speech.

"We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too."

President John F. Kennedy • Sept. 12th, 1962

John F. Kennedy's inspirational goal was achieved in a mere 7 years. Unlike the untested and yet to be invented technologies of 1962, all of the state-of-the-art scientific and engineering prowess to craft potent MegaScale Fire Drones exists today.

Drone technology is advancing at a prodigious rate—yet no country has focused this formidable capability on rendering unwanted forest fires ancient history. That time has arrived, and a coalition of willing nations might lead the charge.


Robert Goddard's Rocket.

"Every vision is a joke until
the first person accomplishes it;
once realized, it becomes commonplace.”

Robert Goddard - Inventor of the modern rocket.


Danger and Opportunity

The main purpose of this presentation is to showcase several novel concepts of what large scale plans to reverse Global Warming might
look like. For example, this page introduced you to the power and potential of Fire Drones.
A secondary purpose is to provide an overview of information about selected serious challenges we face as a result of the Climate Emergency. It is not meant to be a comprehensive encyclopedia of all or even most of the existential dangers our civilization confronts. A third purpose is to address the emotional barriers to our taking action, individually and as a society. How can we surmount that debilitating sense of feeling helpless and powerless in the face of a seemingly unstoppable climate meltdown?

This presentation is conceived, written and produced by Warren Selinger.
• The ideas presented are designed to stimulate public and scientific conversation regarding practical methods to quickly reverse Global Warming.
• You are invited to build on the possibilities.

• Educators: Freely utilize this image-filled presentation in a classroom environment.

Yes, even though there are only eight of them, these are long scrolling pages, and each one is more like a chapter than a page. Pace yourself to receive the greatest benefit.


Together we can make this just a memory.

Out of control fire.
"The Last Wildfire." • Vitaliia Kalmutska - Project Artist


Quotes      "Only an acceptance of responsibility."

     "The path we are on as a planet should terrify anyone living on it, but, if we think like one people, all the relevant inputs are within our control and there is no mysticism required to interpret or command the fate of the earth. Only an acceptance of responsibility."     
     - David Wallace-Wells

     "’s all about sending a signal that we are in a crisis and that in a crisis you change behavior. If no one breaks this chain of 'I won’t do this, because no one else is doing anything' and 'Look at them. They’re doing much worse than I am' — if everyone keeps on going like that, then no one will change.

     We don’t understand that we are in a crisis. If people don’t understand that we are in a crisis, they won’t put pressure on people in power. If there’s no pressure on people in power, then they can continue to get away with doing basically nothing.

     But if you fully understand the science, then you know what you as an individual have to do. You know then that you have a responsibility."
     Greta Thunberg

     "Climate change is a global crisis - one the international community and private sector must tackle together if we have any hope of averting the worst impacts on our health, our economies, and our communities."
     - Tom Steyer

    “Some people see things as they are and say why? I dream things that never were and say, why not?”
     Robert Kennedy

     "Now I used to think that I was cool, runnin' round on fossil fuel, until I saw what I was doin', drivin' down the road to ruin."
     James Taylor - 1977 !

     "You may say I'm a dreamer...
but I'm not the only one."

     John Lennon

     "That which hath made them drunk hath made me bold. What hath quenched them hath given me fire." Lady Macbeth
     - William Shakespeare

     "We are only trustees for those who come after us."
     - William Morris

     "Keep calm — and carry on."
     - Winston Churchill

To be sure, carry on with the implementation of bold and timely Climate Emergency solutions at scales that unfailingly reverse the crisis.


     "We must recognize that our lives will no longer unfold on a stable planet. We must see that we are not separate from the natural world but our lives — today and tomorrow — are totally dependent on a steady climate and civilization: If the oceans die, we die. If the forests die, we die."
     - Margaret Klein Salamon

     “If you believe that astronauts have been to the moon and that the world is not flat, then you probably believe the satellite photos showing the Greenland ice sheet in full-on meltdown.

     Much of Manhattan and the Eastern Shore of Maryland may join the Atlantic Ocean in our lifetimes. Entire Pacific island nations will disappear. Hurricanes will bring untold destruction. Rising sea levels and crippling droughts will decimate crops and cause widespread famine.
People will go hungry, and people will die.”
     - Bill McKibben

The Pale Blue Dot

     “You see that pale, blue dot? That's us. Everything that has ever happened in all of human history, has happened on that pixel. All the triumphs and all the tragedies, all the wars, all the famines, all the major advances... it's our only home.

     And that is what is at stake, our ability to live on planet Earth, to have a future as a civilization. I believe this is a moral issue, it is your time to seize this issue, it is our time to rise again to secure our future.” 
- Al Gore  

     "Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others."
     - Jonathan Swif

Images on this site without attribution are mostly sourced from the superb collection of climate-related photos at

Special thanks to the tireless efforts of the gang of astute advisors and contributors who guided, corrected, debated and polished this work. You know who you are.
Vitaliia Kalmutska
 Click here, or the pic above.

Special thanks to Vitaliia Kalmutska, our project artist for many of the larger-scale works of artful science showcased in this ground-breaking Climate Emergency presentation.

Her ability to take a rough hand-scribbled drawing and turn it into art that is both lyrical and compelling is extraordinary. Please consider Vitaliia should you have art requirements.


Do you have questions about what's being presented here?

Do you have suggestions for improving the climate amelioration possibilities showcased?

Click on Questions & Suggestions >

There's a lot more here for you to discover.
Please go on to Page 2, or jump to any climate solution that interests you:

Climate Emergency Solutions Montage

Please consider sharing this website with all those in your circle
whom you feel may be interested or might gain value from.

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